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Saturday 27 June 2020

WBA OpenRoaming - An ubiquitous WiFi experience across the world

What is OpenRoaming?

At its core, OpenRoaming attempts to make moving around a wireless world a seamless experience. The standards body connects access providers, with identifying providers and service providers to build out their technology vision. As with all standards, there will be add-ons that provide additional value, at additional cost, which is a primary incentive for vendors to play. Cisco, for instance, will be offering DNA Spaces for OpenRoaming that includes user experience and analytics components.
OpenRoaming will require cross-industry adoption, migration away from all of the proprietary solutions. While it offers long-term benefits to the suppliers of WiFi who have to do the work of migration, the benefits really reside in the end-user value.
The benefits promised by OpenRoaming include:
  • Higher quality of service
  • No need to track or switch among SSIDs
  • A single log-on experience
  • Business incentives, primarily through simplicity, to adopters
  • Ease of regulatory compliance
  • Passive authentication

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