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Sunday 9 December 2018

Convergence is at the heart of next gen network with 5G - BT, AT&T, ZTE, WBA all there.

Image result for 5g convergence

As Fundarc Communication (xgnlab), a telecom consultancy, we already spoken about 5G convergence since the beginning of 2018 or even late 2017. Not only as foreseen visionary but as the need of time and way to evelove to 5G from 4G and 4G adv. We already started writing on these line since then ....


We written on this as whitepaper and recently came with latest one with rationals behinds 5G Convergence and need of time approaches. 

Get it at WhitePaper tab at 

Going with Convergence or what we like to refer as "Large Scale Convergence", We recently seen much of industry interest.

Lets take the case of BT....

BT will put 5G at the heart of its fully converged smart network, when it launches the next generation technology next year, according to the company's chief technology officer, Howard Watson.   

"We've learned that 5G might not follow the same path as 4G but that's OK - it doesn't need to," he said.
"As CTO of BT, my job is not to build 5G or 4G networks. It's not even to build WiFi or fixed line networks. These technologies are building blocks that we use to create something much bigger than the sum of its parts. 
"We are building a truly hybrid, converged network that aspires to give customers 100 per cent connectivity coverage." 
When it is launched, BT's Smart Hybrid Network will utilise the comapny's 4G, 5G, Wifi and fixed line networks to provide its customers with near ubiquitous connectivity.   
The Smart Network will automatically connect to the fastest, most stable connection available, delivering a seamless, connected experience to the customer. 
"To achieve this we need to update our Wifi estate. We will alos look at ways to remove the barriers that exist for Wifi networks - namely the need to manually log on to them." 
BT expects to launch its Smart Hybrid Network in 2022. 
We All know ZTE Convergent Core for 5G networks, and AT&T focus on Convergence taking WiFi in line with 5G. WBA is already writing about 5G Convergence, that is also being interpreted as AT&T and BT focus on converged 5G network.
Also most interesting that WiFi is also willing to enter into it through convergence, as at the beginning of the year and also in subsequent discussion Boingo has also persuaded it strongly. I remember when in a discussion Boingo CTO Mr Derek has spoken "Beware…convergence is the future! Ubiquitous 5G is not economically practical without coexistence between licensed, unlicensed and shared. Mobile connectivity is no longer a device, it's a lifestyle so we must embrace converged solutions that leverage multiple bands and technologies".

Views are from fundarc Communications (xgnlab),

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